Tax season

Just a quick story for tax season. This happened at least 20 years ago, so I don’t remember the specific details.

A woman I knew worked with a woman. We’ll call her Lucy because she was kind of annoying and bossy.

(Just as an example, Lucy insisted the temperature in the office be turned up to 78 because she was always cold. My friend tried but failed to convince her “If you’re cold, you can put on a sweater. If I’m warm, I can’t take off my shirt.”)

They worked at a local public university. Lucy had been there for years, and at one point, Lucy got a small mini-promotion to “team leader” or something like that, and with the promotion came a small raise.

In the course of processing her raise, the payroll department somehow screwed up her tax withholding settings. The end result was that her first after-raise paycheck was smaller than her previous one.

Thus did Lucy become the first person in anybody’s memory to appeal a raise.