
The Republican Party has a problem. They are perceived by a large segment of the population as the Obstruction Party. They are not the party of governing; they are the party of preventing governing. They opposed relief aid for natural disasters, they opposed their own health insurance overhaul plan, they shut down the federal government, they refuse to confirm judges, they oppose anything that President Obama proposes.

But now they want to win a national election. To do that, they have to — in the words of Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (R) — stop being the Stupid Party. They need to prove that they are a party that can govern the country.

So with the whole world watching, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McCollenn (R KY) said, regarding the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia:

“Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.”

Yep.  That ought to do it.

The Other Guy

Somebody went home last night and told this story:


I was driving, and I came up to a four-way stop sign.  There were cars waiting at all four streets, but I was just making a right turn, so I went straight through.  And this guy coming the other way almost plowed into me!